What should Jay-z do about Barney’s Profiling?



I posted in previous blogs like the one about Tryvon Martins not guilty verdict not being shocking or surprising to me. I didn’t understand what all the protesting and marching was about because incidents similar to Tryvon Martin case has been happening for centuries so to me their was no need to go about the jury’s decision in demonstrating our feelings by doing what we always do march and protest.  This is nothing new where stores racially profile but at the same time Barney’s want to use a person of black skin color to promote their products.





If you ask me what I think about it? I would say it is a ass backwards marketing campaign.  So what should Jay-z do?  Well I think Jay-z is in a difficult dilemma because he’s trying to further his brand and money by  collaborating with Barneys New York.  Barneys is expected to start selling items next month by top designers, inspired by Jay-Z, with some of the proceeds going to his charity. Jay-Z is also working with the store to create its artistic holiday window display.  He has to find out  is it the company that is racially profiling or just ignorant employees?  If it is the company’s fault Jay-z has a a moral obligation to drop his dealings with a company that racially profiles people of his color which could be his fans, supports, and future customers. Because it is not the first time that Barney’s racially profiled, In letters to Barneys’ Lee and Macy’s Chief Stores Officer Peter Sachse, released earlier on Tuesday, Schneiderman’s office said it is investigating a total of four complaints from black shoppers who said last week that in the last eight months they were stopped by police after shopping at one of the two stores.

Inequality Grows, From New York to All of America.

For baseball games, Yankee Stadium seats 50,287. If all the homeless people who now live in New York City used the stadium for a gathering, several thousand of them would have to stand. More people in the city lack homes than at any time since . . . It’s hard to say exactly.

Warren Buffet appeared on Bloomberg stating, “That the wealthy income has grown under this Congress and the gap between the rich and poor is widening”.  America doesn’t have a duty to produce jobs but it is their responsibility to take care of it’s citizens making everything fair from taxes we pay to our rights that is being taken away so we are not taken advantage of.   So my question to you is what do we do about homelessness in our country?  Congress is not helping, The wealthy is not helping, and Government programs for the homeless and less fortunate are being eliminated.

In God we Trust is what is written America on the dollar but if we all Trusted in GOD we would abide by his word to help our own not hoard riches for ourselves even in the bible days Jesus dealt with the same situations that is going on today being the rich want to hoard their money while keeping the ones who don’t have money without money.  What will happen when hospitals start closing down? Warning is given but people don’t listen until some real unfortunate situation happens to  them.  Are they ready for the war within this country.  Do they know who will back this war?  Probably different countries that don’t get along well with America.  While inequality grows war grows and grows and grows. What can be done to change this sick way of thinking?  Morals!!!! If every person would ask themselves if I looked at you and saw myself how different would the world be?


Top 5 Reasons To Go to Church This Sunday.

5. God and Jesus Will be the special Guest this sunday.

4. With all the bad events happening in the news there is a ton to preach about.

3. Nothing like being broke and being ask to give an offering.

2. Free Entertainment

1. When the Government shuts down Everything else the Church is still open.

The Role of The Black Church Creating Change…. A young Woman Story.

Historically the black church has been a place for creating individual, systemic, and political change within the black community. From its emergence in the late 18th century to its present day relevance, the black church has and will always serve as a safe haven for African Americans, a place to worship God together, and a place where we are motivated to rebuild our communities. You can guarantee that on Sunday between the hours of 7 a.m. (early morning service) to 4 p.m. (afternoon service) there will be a large population of blacks attending church.

Pastors in the black church wield much influence in our community. They fill us up with wisdom, knowledge, and of the Word of God. Our pastors pray with and for us, provide resources and tools, even visit us when we are sick. Our pastors serve as our “elected” spiritual representatives.

Recently, a friend said, “a pastor may mean a lot to you, but what do you mean to them? Are they helping to feed you with the Spirit or are you helping to feed them Ruth’s Chris?”

Initially I was offended. How dare he sneer at the beloved black pastor who serves as a shepherd in our community, who helps to uplift and heal our community! Despite my first reaction, my friend’s question weighed heavily on me as I went to church the next Sunday. I wondered what do these pastors really stand for? Are they more concerned about fancy cars or helping those who are in need? Are they filled with an abundance of spirit or are they waiting to be filled with an abundance of dollars? This is not an attack on the black church or black pastors, but a moment of revelation. Are we making the best use of our pastors to better our community? That is the question that matters most.

With violence rampant in our community, homelessness and unemployment at an all time high, I question what role the black pastor has in helping to alleviate these issues. I believe it is the civic duty of those who are leaders, especially pastors, to lead the charge within the black community to positively change it. Pastors are leaders 24/7. What a pastor says and does makes a difference not only within the church but beyond the pulpit. So often in our community, we hear what is supposed be done, what we should or should not do, but do not see a comprehensive guide to lead us in the right direction. Is it solely the role of the black church to make a difference? No, but it is the duty of those who lead to work towards tangible solutions and encourage others to do and live better.

As someone who regularly attends church, I make it my business to inform my pastor of what is going on within the community (if he does not already know), and how he can be of service. If we are not meeting our pastors and discussing the issues, how can we hold them accountable? How can we expect them to serve us if they don’t know how we should be served? It is up to those who attend church and those who lead the church to come together and work for what is best for the community, how to move forward, and how to sustain it.

The days of complaining should be over; it is time to stop talking and start walking. Our community is on the line. I request that those of you who attend church, address your pastors and ask them what can we all do to better our community. What is our role?

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “the church cannot be silent while mankind faces the threat of nuclear annihilation. If the church is true to her mission, he must call for an end to the arms race.” We cannot continue to just attend church and leave; we need to attend church with a purpose and leave with an anointing and an agenda.


Wicked Games…… Welcome to Our Third World Country.


Happy Shutdown Week!!!!!!

While the government plays power games with our livelihood we sit and wait to see if they will make the best decisions for our lives.  What will happen if they don’t or what will happen if they never come to a decision how will it affect us???  First we took banks being bailed out and our taxes raised now a government shutdown and on top of that, People’s social security will be affected.  More people will lose their homes and their minds, What the goverment has done is set us up for failure.

Careers have been delayed. Indeed, jobs of any kind have been tough to find, potentially costing millennials hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost lifetime earnings.

The past five years rearranged their American dream.

Postponed and canceled home purchases will likely make it harder for millennials to build wealth, while significant retirement saving is out of reach. Unprecedented student debt hangs over recent graduates. Credit scores have dropped, and loans are harder to get.

Their Is a saying, If it ain’t broke don’t fix it, But if it’s broke let’s change it.



Young, Poor, and Hopeless. You Can’t Judge Me If You Don’t Understand Me.

We invite you to something epic, you know?
Well, we hustle out of a sense of hopelessness, sort of a desperation
Through that desperation, we become addicted
Sort of like the fiends we accustomed to serving

But we feel we have nothing to lose, so we offer you, well
We offer our lives, right, what do you bring to the table?

– Jay -z                                                                         Image

How profits help drive the war on Drugs.

An Orange County police officer arrests a probationer who broke the terms of his probation in Orange, California July 22, 2011. The Supreme Court has ordered California to release more than 30,000 inmates over the next two years or take other steps to ease overcrowding in its prisons. (Photo by Lucy Nicholson/Reuters)An Orange County police officer arrests a probationer who broke the terms of his probation in Orange, California July 22, 2011. The Supreme Court has ordered California to release more than 30,000 inmates over the next two years or take other steps to ease overcrowding in its prisons. (Photo by Lucy Nicholson/Reuters)

In the decades since President Richard Nixon declared drug abuse “public enemy number one in the United States,” the nation has spent more than atrillion dollars on the “war on drugs” and arrested 37 millionpeople for nonviolent drug offenses.

Yet the rate of drug use among high school students is almost identical to what it was 40 years ago, and according to the latest report from the Centers for Disease Control, drug overdose rates are up.

So why pour money into a failed system? One factor might just be profit. During the Reagan administration, the government started incentivizing drug arrests by handing out grants to police departments fighting drug crimes. An arrest in a state like Wisconsin could bank a city or county an extra $153.

In 34 years in the Seattle Police Department, Norm Stamper learned about those incentives first hand, and he believes they are “corrupting the system.”

“What we have seen with this drug war are insane numbers of Americans being arrested for nonviolent, very low level drug offenses, in the tens of millions of numbers, and what do we have to show for it?” he asked on Tuesday’s PoliticsNation.  He said drugs are more readily available than when Nixon “first declared war against them.”

“Make no mistake, he was really declaring war against his fellow Americans. He was declaring war particularly against young people, poor people, and people of color.”

Stamper takes issue with the prison industry, which has seen major growth due to low level drug offenders, compared to relatively little growth from more violent offenders.

“The prison industrial complex, the law enforcement, drug enforcement industry, the cartels themselves, heavy street traffickers, are deeply invested in the status quo,” Stamper said. “They are very much invested in making sure, by protecting and expanding their drug markets, often times through violent means, that they will continue to reap the enormous, untaxed, obscene profits associated with illicit commerce.”

The Reasons Why I Think Like I Do.


When I tell I people who are christians some of my views their jaws drop to hear some of the things I might say because not only I was raised in the church but my parents had their own church.  So when I say there is nothing wrong with marijuana use they don’t know how I watched my father die of cancer from day-to-day suffering from this disease that was slowly killing him and when he told me the pills the doctor prescribed for him made him more sicker I felt was there any hope for him to live.  Why is it in a christian point a view this is a better way to heal yourself from something man-made that will only kill you? (I prayed to God please don’t let me die this way)

You could believe in something so much when you find out it’s not true you feel hoodwinked for example when I went to church I believed that God’s chosen ones could heal the sick because Jesus did it correct, if not why am I coming to church. About 2 years ago I started waking up feeling dizzy and tired, I felt when I woke up in the morning I didn’t get enough rest I would have to go back to bed to feel rested.  After a while going back to bed wasn’t helping because no matter how much I slept I still felt tired.  After being prayed for in church for healing I was still feeling the same way, I broke down one Sunday crying in the church bathroom thinking why would God want to kill me?  Finally I built up enough courage to go to the hospital where the doctor diagnosis me with sleep apnea.  The next sunday I went back to church and before the Pastor delivered his sermon he told his members that if you feel there is anything wrong with you health wise to go see the doctor.  I thought this is what the church was for if it wasn’t a place for healing then it must be a place for entertainment, So I came to the conclusion that I will only go to churches that entertain me. (Hallelujah)

Where I’m from Brooklyn!!!! There is a Church on every corner so many of them divided but if they would come together for one common goal for example to end poverty in its own ghetto WOW!!! It can be done because the church does have power to me it just doesn’t understand how much.

God gives Us 24/7

God gives us each day which starts over again and again with 24 hours being it’s time period,  7 days of starting over which seems like deja vu.  As the days go by we get older, we experience new things about life which my be good memories or terrible memories. Through the hours, minutes, and seconds he gives us time to make things right.

The Light which can’t Be reached So embrace Darkness?

To all the victims of the navy my heart goes out to all the families who lost a loved. We can’t blame the shooters problems on violent video games or a mental condition for the reason he spazed out or we can accept the real and true reason of why this happen because all across America people are tired and feed up with disappointment in this society were the rich are getting richer and the poor is getting poorer it can be seen in the ghettos across our country when people are tired and fustrated of living in poverty it brings murder,drugs, violence, and even disruption to communities.  So now chaos is beginning to come to area’s that don’t normally see this type of behavior and trust me we haven’t seen the last of it or cried our last tears more tears and heartache is awaiting for us.  Everyday we as working people get up every morning to reach that light at the end of the tunnel, Which is called the American dream where you put in your time of working years so that when you reach a older age you can retire and enjoy life but that light seems to get further and further away as years pass you by.  What happens when people realize that light they are running toward is not real it is a piece of there imagination which is conjured up by people to keep us working toward an illusion.  How is it that some people are given handout by the government (banks) when people who are struggling the government wants to take whatever possession they have.  Do they really think this is right ?  To me and alot of other people it seems backwards.  I don’t blame people for not trying to find a job why? So they can work to gain a few material items and have it all taken away and of course you won’t receive a bailout.   When the system is unbalanced someone has to pay and that someone is you.